Hello, I am

Computer/Software Engineer with a focus in application development and embedded systems. I am familiar with technologies like: React, Next, Angular, and Java SpringBoot.
**Oracle Java Certified**

I encourage everyone to check out my project section!
Any recruiters please take a look at my resume below. And contact me with any questions!

Grad pic of me at the UCF Library Fountain





Years (programming)

Desktop work environment, purple color scheme

About Me

Graduated with a Computer Engineering Bachelor, UCF 2023. My most prominent work includes fullstack web and mobile application development, embedded systems programming, and game design. Through university and my own projects I have gained experience in database management using SQL, automation, version control, and other software engineering processes. In my free time I like to continue learning game design and machine learning, but overall enjoy learning any new technology and frameworks.

  • Java
  • Java SpringBoot
  • JUnit Testing
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Next.js
  • Angular
  • Python
  • C, C#, C++
  • SQL, Database Relations
  • Linux, Debugging

My Projects

( Links on each project are to Github and to Previews of the project itself )

  • Next.Js Portfolio Website

    The website we're currently on, to showcase any projects or certifications I've worked on

  • Contact Manager Website

    LAMP Stack Web App, to organize a users Contacts information. Much like that you would see in phones.

  • Gainzboy Mobile App

    MERN stack applicaiton using React. Made to track, organize, and log workouts for the user. As well as helps users create specific workouts down to the excersice, weight, and repetitions.

  • IM(s) Keeping Score

    UCF Senior Design Project. Software that uses a smart camera, RaspberryPi, ESP32, and databases to track and log statistics of a basketball game. This device captures and IDs players and in frame and attributes made/missed baskets accordingly using ToF sensors.

  • Tower Defense Game

    Written in Java this tower defense game allows you to set towers to stop enemies from reaching the end of the map. As well as allow users to go back and edit the map layout to provide more challenging levels. Wanted to start game design with all its difficulties before moving to game engines.

  • Web Browser Background Extension

    This browser extension allows users to change the background of whichever sites they specify, to be of whatever image they like. In my case any Google site and the Akatsuki pattern from Naruto.

  • Angular Weather App

    An application using the Angular Framework, Typescript, and HTML/CSS that displays the weather of any user specified city. As well as providing the visuals to match the data. To get the weather and city data I used OpenWeather on Rapid API.

Connect with me

I am currently looking for new work opportunities, my inbox is always open. Just reach out to me with any questions or messages and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Thanks!

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